The Best Types of Yellow Tomatoes (Cherry, Heirlooms & More)

By: Chenell - Lead Writer and Gardening Advocate

Growing yellow tomatoes is a great way to add some color to your garden and your diet.

While most people think of red tomato plants when they start growing tomatoes, there are plenty of other color tomatoes that you can grow. Yellow tomatoes are a great way to get started growing some other tomato varieties that add some variety to your garden.

Just like their red cousins, yellow tomatoes come in all types, from cherry or grape, to pear and plum tomatoes, even yellow heirloom, beefsteak and globe tomatoes! Here is a list of yellow varieties broken down by their shape to help you decide what to grow next!

Yellow Cherry Tomatoes

yellow cherry tomatoes
CultivarShapeGrowth HabitDays to MaturityWhere to Buy
Abe LincolnGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Ace 55 Determinate75Buy Seeds
Amelia Determinate75
Amish PastePasteIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Anna RussianOxheartIndeterminate65
Arkansas TravelerIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AtlasBeefsteak Determinate65
Aunt Gertie's GoldBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AzoychkaBeefsteakIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Banana LegsPlum Determinate72Buy Seeds
BasingaGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Better BoyIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Better Bush Determinate68
Big BeefBeefsteakIndeterminate73Buy Seeds
Big BoyBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Big LeagueBeefsteak Determinate47
Big Rainbow BeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Big YellowGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BiltmoreGlobe Determinate80
Black BeautyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Black CherryCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Black from TulaHeirloomIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Black KrimBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Black Sea ManDeterminate75Buy Seeds
Blue Berries CherryIndeterminate74Buy Seeds
Bonny BestGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Bush BeefsteakBeefsteak Determinate62
Cal AceBeefsteak Determinate75Buy Seeds
Candy's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Caro RichBeefsteak Determinate80Buy Seeds
CelebrityGlobe Determinate70Buy Seeds
Chef's Choice OrangeIndeterminate75
Cherokee PurpleBeefsteakIndeterminate75-80Buy Seeds
Cherry BombCherryIndeterminate64
Cherry GoldCherry45
Chuck's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate77Buy Seeds
Cream SausagePlum Determinate73Buy Seeds
Dark GalaxyIndeterminate75
Defiant PhRGlobe Determinate65
Dr. Wyche's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple HeartDwarfDeterminate70
Early GirlGlobeIndeterminate51
Egg YolkCherryIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Evan’s Purple PearPearIndeterminate75
Five Star GrapeGrapeIndeterminate62
GalahadBeefsteak Determinate69
German JohnsonBeefsteakIndeterminate76
Giant OxheartOxheartIndeterminate90
Gold NuggetCherry Determinate54Buy Seeds
Golden RomaRoma75
Golden SweetGrapeIndeterminate60
GrandaddyBeefsteak Determinate72
Grandma Oliver's GreenHeirloomIndeterminate80
Grape TomatoCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Green ZebraSmallIndeterminate78
Hartman's Yellow Gooseberry
Helsing Junction BluesCherryIndeterminate60-65Buy Seeds
HillbillyBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Homestead 24 Determinate75
Independence Day (Fourth of July)SmallIndeterminate49
Indigo AppleIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Indigo RoseCocktailIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Isis CandyCherryIndeterminate65Buy Seeds
Japanense Black TrifeleIndeterminate80
Kellogg's BreakfastBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Large Barred BoarBeefsteak Determinate65
Legend Determinate68
Lemon BoyGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Little Blonde Girl75
Marglobe Determinate75
Marizol PurpleIndeterminate80
Midnight RomaRomaSemi-Determinate80
Midnight SelectIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Mortgage LifterBeefsteakIndeterminate85
Mr. StripeyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
New Big DwarfBeefsteak Determinate60
New YorkerBeefsteak Determinate63
Oregon Spring Determinate65
Owen’s PurpleIndeterminate75
Paul RobesonIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
PineappleIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Pink OxheartOxheartIndeterminate85
Pink San MarzanoIndeterminate85
Powers HeirloomPlumIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Pride of FlandersCherryDeterminate70Buy Seeds
Principe BorgheseGrape Determinate75
Purple Bumble BeeCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Purple CalabashBeefsteakIndeterminate83Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple ReignBeefsteakIndeterminate75
Purple RussianPlumIndeterminate76Buy Seeds
Rio Grande Determinate80
Roma Determinate75
Rosella PurpleIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Rugged Boy Determinate75
Rutgers (Jersey Tomato)Globe Determinate75
San MarzanoPlumIndeterminate85
San Marzano GigantePlumIndeterminate90
San Marzano LampadinaIndeterminate78
San Marzano Nano Determinate75
San Marzano ScataloneIndeterminate75
Schwarze SarahIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Southern NightBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Sugar BombsIndeterminate
Summer PickBeefsteak Determinate75
Sun GoldCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Sunshine BlueCherryIndeterminate72
Super FantasticIndeterminate70
Super Sweet 100Indeterminate65
Sweet 100CherryIndeterminate70
TalladegaBeefsteak Determinate67
TaxiGlobe Determinate68
Tims Black RufflesIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Tumbling Tom Red Determinate60
TycoonBeefsteak Determinate80
ValleycatBeefsteak Determinate70
Washington CherryCherry Determinate60
White CherryCherryIndeterminate75
Wine JugPlumIndeterminate78
Yellow BellPlumIndeterminate60
Yellow BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Yellow PearPlum, PearIndeterminate71Buy Seeds
Aunt SophiesOxheartIndeterminate90
Aladdin's LampPearIndeterminate80
Amana OrangeBeefsteak, Flattened GlobeIndeterminate
Barnes MountainBeefsteakIndeterminate
Burning SpearElongated, Plum, PointedIndeterminate
Dad's SunsetRoundIndeterminate
Woodle Orange
Yellow Teardrop
Big Girl
orange jubilee tomato
Yellow JubileeRoundIndeterminate65-80Buy Seeds
Golden Sweet Cherry Tomato
Golden SunrayRoundIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
jaune flamme tomato
persimmon tomato plants
valencia heirloom tomato
carolina gold tomatoes
breakfast sweet

Cherry tomatoes are a delicious option, and yellow cherry tomatoes taste even better! These also do quite well if you’re growing tomatoes in pots.

Popular yellow cherry tomatoes varieties include:

  • Gold Nugget is a variety of award-winning yellow tomatoes that were created in the 1980s by Oregon State University. These are a determinate tomato variety, meaning they produce all of their fruit at once instead of consistently throughout the season.
  • White Cherry tomatoes are actually yellow in color. They produce a pale yellow tomato fruit that is great for snacking or adding to a Pomodoro or other Italian dish.
  • Isis Candy is a delicious type of cherry tomato that is a little sweet making them a favorite of both children and adults. This variety produces 1-inch fruits that are yellow with a red tint.

Yellow Grape Tomatoes

yellow grape tomatoes
CultivarShapeGrowth HabitDays to MaturityWhere to Buy
Abe LincolnGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Ace 55 Determinate75Buy Seeds
Amelia Determinate75
Amish PastePasteIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Anna RussianOxheartIndeterminate65
Arkansas TravelerIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AtlasBeefsteak Determinate65
Aunt Gertie's GoldBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AzoychkaBeefsteakIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Banana LegsPlum Determinate72Buy Seeds
BasingaGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Better BoyIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Better Bush Determinate68
Big BeefBeefsteakIndeterminate73Buy Seeds
Big BoyBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Big LeagueBeefsteak Determinate47
Big Rainbow BeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Big YellowGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BiltmoreGlobe Determinate80
Black BeautyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Black CherryCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Black from TulaHeirloomIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Black KrimBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Black Sea ManDeterminate75Buy Seeds
Blue Berries CherryIndeterminate74Buy Seeds
Bonny BestGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Bush BeefsteakBeefsteak Determinate62
Cal AceBeefsteak Determinate75Buy Seeds
Candy's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Caro RichBeefsteak Determinate80Buy Seeds
CelebrityGlobe Determinate70Buy Seeds
Chef's Choice OrangeIndeterminate75
Cherokee PurpleBeefsteakIndeterminate75-80Buy Seeds
Cherry BombCherryIndeterminate64
Cherry GoldCherry45
Chuck's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate77Buy Seeds
Cream SausagePlum Determinate73Buy Seeds
Dark GalaxyIndeterminate75
Defiant PhRGlobe Determinate65
Dr. Wyche's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple HeartDwarfDeterminate70
Early GirlGlobeIndeterminate51
Egg YolkCherryIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Evan’s Purple PearPearIndeterminate75
Five Star GrapeGrapeIndeterminate62
GalahadBeefsteak Determinate69
German JohnsonBeefsteakIndeterminate76
Giant OxheartOxheartIndeterminate90
Gold NuggetCherry Determinate54Buy Seeds
Golden RomaRoma75
Golden SweetGrapeIndeterminate60
GrandaddyBeefsteak Determinate72
Grandma Oliver's GreenHeirloomIndeterminate80
Grape TomatoCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Green ZebraSmallIndeterminate78
Hartman's Yellow Gooseberry
Helsing Junction BluesCherryIndeterminate60-65Buy Seeds
HillbillyBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Homestead 24 Determinate75
Independence Day (Fourth of July)SmallIndeterminate49
Indigo AppleIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Indigo RoseCocktailIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Isis CandyCherryIndeterminate65Buy Seeds
Japanense Black TrifeleIndeterminate80
Kellogg's BreakfastBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Large Barred BoarBeefsteak Determinate65
Legend Determinate68
Lemon BoyGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Little Blonde Girl75
Marglobe Determinate75
Marizol PurpleIndeterminate80
Midnight RomaRomaSemi-Determinate80
Midnight SelectIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Mortgage LifterBeefsteakIndeterminate85
Mr. StripeyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
New Big DwarfBeefsteak Determinate60
New YorkerBeefsteak Determinate63
Oregon Spring Determinate65
Owen’s PurpleIndeterminate75
Paul RobesonIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
PineappleIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Pink OxheartOxheartIndeterminate85
Pink San MarzanoIndeterminate85
Powers HeirloomPlumIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Pride of FlandersCherryDeterminate70Buy Seeds
Principe BorgheseGrape Determinate75
Purple Bumble BeeCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Purple CalabashBeefsteakIndeterminate83Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple ReignBeefsteakIndeterminate75
Purple RussianPlumIndeterminate76Buy Seeds
Rio Grande Determinate80
Roma Determinate75
Rosella PurpleIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Rugged Boy Determinate75
Rutgers (Jersey Tomato)Globe Determinate75
San MarzanoPlumIndeterminate85
San Marzano GigantePlumIndeterminate90
San Marzano LampadinaIndeterminate78
San Marzano Nano Determinate75
San Marzano ScataloneIndeterminate75
Schwarze SarahIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Southern NightBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Sugar BombsIndeterminate
Summer PickBeefsteak Determinate75
Sun GoldCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Sunshine BlueCherryIndeterminate72
Super FantasticIndeterminate70
Super Sweet 100Indeterminate65
Sweet 100CherryIndeterminate70
TalladegaBeefsteak Determinate67
TaxiGlobe Determinate68
Tims Black RufflesIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Tumbling Tom Red Determinate60
TycoonBeefsteak Determinate80
ValleycatBeefsteak Determinate70
Washington CherryCherry Determinate60
White CherryCherryIndeterminate75
Wine JugPlumIndeterminate78
Yellow BellPlumIndeterminate60
Yellow BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Yellow PearPlum, PearIndeterminate71Buy Seeds
Aunt SophiesOxheartIndeterminate90
Aladdin's LampPearIndeterminate80
Amana OrangeBeefsteak, Flattened GlobeIndeterminate
Barnes MountainBeefsteakIndeterminate
Burning SpearElongated, Plum, PointedIndeterminate
Dad's SunsetRoundIndeterminate
Woodle Orange
Yellow Teardrop
Big Girl
orange jubilee tomato
Yellow JubileeRoundIndeterminate65-80Buy Seeds
Golden Sweet Cherry Tomato
Golden SunrayRoundIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
jaune flamme tomato
persimmon tomato plants
valencia heirloom tomato
carolina gold tomatoes
breakfast sweet
  • Golden Sweet grape tomatoes are a mold and crack-resistant cultivar that continues to produce fruit all season long since they are indeterminate. Because they are mold-resistant, they do well in indoor grow rooms and gardens.

Yellow Beefsteak & Heirloom Tomatoes

yellow beefsteak tomatoes
CultivarShapeGrowth HabitDays to MaturityWhere to Buy
Abe LincolnGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Ace 55 Determinate75Buy Seeds
Amelia Determinate75
Amish PastePasteIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Anna RussianOxheartIndeterminate65
Arkansas TravelerIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AtlasBeefsteak Determinate65
Aunt Gertie's GoldBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AzoychkaBeefsteakIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Banana LegsPlum Determinate72Buy Seeds
BasingaGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Better BoyIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Better Bush Determinate68
Big BeefBeefsteakIndeterminate73Buy Seeds
Big BoyBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Big LeagueBeefsteak Determinate47
Big Rainbow BeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Big YellowGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BiltmoreGlobe Determinate80
Black BeautyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Black CherryCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Black from TulaHeirloomIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Black KrimBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Black Sea ManDeterminate75Buy Seeds
Blue Berries CherryIndeterminate74Buy Seeds
Bonny BestGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Bush BeefsteakBeefsteak Determinate62
Cal AceBeefsteak Determinate75Buy Seeds
Candy's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Caro RichBeefsteak Determinate80Buy Seeds
CelebrityGlobe Determinate70Buy Seeds
Chef's Choice OrangeIndeterminate75
Cherokee PurpleBeefsteakIndeterminate75-80Buy Seeds
Cherry BombCherryIndeterminate64
Cherry GoldCherry45
Chuck's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate77Buy Seeds
Cream SausagePlum Determinate73Buy Seeds
Dark GalaxyIndeterminate75
Defiant PhRGlobe Determinate65
Dr. Wyche's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple HeartDwarfDeterminate70
Early GirlGlobeIndeterminate51
Egg YolkCherryIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Evan’s Purple PearPearIndeterminate75
Five Star GrapeGrapeIndeterminate62
GalahadBeefsteak Determinate69
German JohnsonBeefsteakIndeterminate76
Giant OxheartOxheartIndeterminate90
Gold NuggetCherry Determinate54Buy Seeds
Golden RomaRoma75
Golden SweetGrapeIndeterminate60
GrandaddyBeefsteak Determinate72
Grandma Oliver's GreenHeirloomIndeterminate80
Grape TomatoCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Green ZebraSmallIndeterminate78
Hartman's Yellow Gooseberry
Helsing Junction BluesCherryIndeterminate60-65Buy Seeds
HillbillyBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Homestead 24 Determinate75
Independence Day (Fourth of July)SmallIndeterminate49
Indigo AppleIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Indigo RoseCocktailIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Isis CandyCherryIndeterminate65Buy Seeds
Japanense Black TrifeleIndeterminate80
Kellogg's BreakfastBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Large Barred BoarBeefsteak Determinate65
Legend Determinate68
Lemon BoyGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Little Blonde Girl75
Marglobe Determinate75
Marizol PurpleIndeterminate80
Midnight RomaRomaSemi-Determinate80
Midnight SelectIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Mortgage LifterBeefsteakIndeterminate85
Mr. StripeyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
New Big DwarfBeefsteak Determinate60
New YorkerBeefsteak Determinate63
Oregon Spring Determinate65
Owen’s PurpleIndeterminate75
Paul RobesonIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
PineappleIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Pink OxheartOxheartIndeterminate85
Pink San MarzanoIndeterminate85
Powers HeirloomPlumIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Pride of FlandersCherryDeterminate70Buy Seeds
Principe BorgheseGrape Determinate75
Purple Bumble BeeCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Purple CalabashBeefsteakIndeterminate83Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple ReignBeefsteakIndeterminate75
Purple RussianPlumIndeterminate76Buy Seeds
Rio Grande Determinate80
Roma Determinate75
Rosella PurpleIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Rugged Boy Determinate75
Rutgers (Jersey Tomato)Globe Determinate75
San MarzanoPlumIndeterminate85
San Marzano GigantePlumIndeterminate90
San Marzano LampadinaIndeterminate78
San Marzano Nano Determinate75
San Marzano ScataloneIndeterminate75
Schwarze SarahIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Southern NightBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Sugar BombsIndeterminate
Summer PickBeefsteak Determinate75
Sun GoldCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Sunshine BlueCherryIndeterminate72
Super FantasticIndeterminate70
Super Sweet 100Indeterminate65
Sweet 100CherryIndeterminate70
TalladegaBeefsteak Determinate67
TaxiGlobe Determinate68
Tims Black RufflesIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Tumbling Tom Red Determinate60
TycoonBeefsteak Determinate80
ValleycatBeefsteak Determinate70
Washington CherryCherry Determinate60
White CherryCherryIndeterminate75
Wine JugPlumIndeterminate78
Yellow BellPlumIndeterminate60
Yellow BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Yellow PearPlum, PearIndeterminate71Buy Seeds
Aunt SophiesOxheartIndeterminate90
Aladdin's LampPearIndeterminate80
Amana OrangeBeefsteak, Flattened GlobeIndeterminate
Barnes MountainBeefsteakIndeterminate
Burning SpearElongated, Plum, PointedIndeterminate
Dad's SunsetRoundIndeterminate
Woodle Orange
Yellow Teardrop
Big Girl
orange jubilee tomato
Yellow JubileeRoundIndeterminate65-80Buy Seeds
Golden Sweet Cherry Tomato
Golden SunrayRoundIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
jaune flamme tomato
persimmon tomato plants
valencia heirloom tomato
carolina gold tomatoes
breakfast sweet

These varieties are a combination of beefsteak and heirloom varieties. Those words end up getting used to describe both, so I’ve combined them in this list.

  • Kellogg’s Breakfast is a favorite of many experienced growers as they produce huge 1-2 pound yellow fruits all season long. They’ve won awards for their meaty, thin skin and tangy but sweet taste.
  • Yellow Brandywine tomatoes are a late-season variety coming out of Ohio with a slightly tart but sweet flavor and often produce more orange tomatoes. These are fun because they don’t have regular tomato leaves, they look more like potato leaves. Yellow Brandywine is great for getting delicious tomato sandwiches in the summer months.

Yellow Globe Tomatoes

yellow globe tomatoes
CultivarShapeGrowth HabitDays to MaturityWhere to Buy
Abe LincolnGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Ace 55 Determinate75Buy Seeds
Amelia Determinate75
Amish PastePasteIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Anna RussianOxheartIndeterminate65
Arkansas TravelerIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AtlasBeefsteak Determinate65
Aunt Gertie's GoldBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AzoychkaBeefsteakIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Banana LegsPlum Determinate72Buy Seeds
BasingaGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Better BoyIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Better Bush Determinate68
Big BeefBeefsteakIndeterminate73Buy Seeds
Big BoyBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Big LeagueBeefsteak Determinate47
Big Rainbow BeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Big YellowGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BiltmoreGlobe Determinate80
Black BeautyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Black CherryCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Black from TulaHeirloomIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Black KrimBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Black Sea ManDeterminate75Buy Seeds
Blue Berries CherryIndeterminate74Buy Seeds
Bonny BestGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Bush BeefsteakBeefsteak Determinate62
Cal AceBeefsteak Determinate75Buy Seeds
Candy's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Caro RichBeefsteak Determinate80Buy Seeds
CelebrityGlobe Determinate70Buy Seeds
Chef's Choice OrangeIndeterminate75
Cherokee PurpleBeefsteakIndeterminate75-80Buy Seeds
Cherry BombCherryIndeterminate64
Cherry GoldCherry45
Chuck's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate77Buy Seeds
Cream SausagePlum Determinate73Buy Seeds
Dark GalaxyIndeterminate75
Defiant PhRGlobe Determinate65
Dr. Wyche's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple HeartDwarfDeterminate70
Early GirlGlobeIndeterminate51
Egg YolkCherryIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Evan’s Purple PearPearIndeterminate75
Five Star GrapeGrapeIndeterminate62
GalahadBeefsteak Determinate69
German JohnsonBeefsteakIndeterminate76
Giant OxheartOxheartIndeterminate90
Gold NuggetCherry Determinate54Buy Seeds
Golden RomaRoma75
Golden SweetGrapeIndeterminate60
GrandaddyBeefsteak Determinate72
Grandma Oliver's GreenHeirloomIndeterminate80
Grape TomatoCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Green ZebraSmallIndeterminate78
Hartman's Yellow Gooseberry
Helsing Junction BluesCherryIndeterminate60-65Buy Seeds
HillbillyBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Homestead 24 Determinate75
Independence Day (Fourth of July)SmallIndeterminate49
Indigo AppleIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Indigo RoseCocktailIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Isis CandyCherryIndeterminate65Buy Seeds
Japanense Black TrifeleIndeterminate80
Kellogg's BreakfastBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Large Barred BoarBeefsteak Determinate65
Legend Determinate68
Lemon BoyGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Little Blonde Girl75
Marglobe Determinate75
Marizol PurpleIndeterminate80
Midnight RomaRomaSemi-Determinate80
Midnight SelectIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Mortgage LifterBeefsteakIndeterminate85
Mr. StripeyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
New Big DwarfBeefsteak Determinate60
New YorkerBeefsteak Determinate63
Oregon Spring Determinate65
Owen’s PurpleIndeterminate75
Paul RobesonIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
PineappleIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Pink OxheartOxheartIndeterminate85
Pink San MarzanoIndeterminate85
Powers HeirloomPlumIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Pride of FlandersCherryDeterminate70Buy Seeds
Principe BorgheseGrape Determinate75
Purple Bumble BeeCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Purple CalabashBeefsteakIndeterminate83Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple ReignBeefsteakIndeterminate75
Purple RussianPlumIndeterminate76Buy Seeds
Rio Grande Determinate80
Roma Determinate75
Rosella PurpleIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Rugged Boy Determinate75
Rutgers (Jersey Tomato)Globe Determinate75
San MarzanoPlumIndeterminate85
San Marzano GigantePlumIndeterminate90
San Marzano LampadinaIndeterminate78
San Marzano Nano Determinate75
San Marzano ScataloneIndeterminate75
Schwarze SarahIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Southern NightBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Sugar BombsIndeterminate
Summer PickBeefsteak Determinate75
Sun GoldCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Sunshine BlueCherryIndeterminate72
Super FantasticIndeterminate70
Super Sweet 100Indeterminate65
Sweet 100CherryIndeterminate70
TalladegaBeefsteak Determinate67
TaxiGlobe Determinate68
Tims Black RufflesIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Tumbling Tom Red Determinate60
TycoonBeefsteak Determinate80
ValleycatBeefsteak Determinate70
Washington CherryCherry Determinate60
White CherryCherryIndeterminate75
Wine JugPlumIndeterminate78
Yellow BellPlumIndeterminate60
Yellow BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Yellow PearPlum, PearIndeterminate71Buy Seeds
Aunt SophiesOxheartIndeterminate90
Aladdin's LampPearIndeterminate80
Amana OrangeBeefsteak, Flattened GlobeIndeterminate
Barnes MountainBeefsteakIndeterminate
Burning SpearElongated, Plum, PointedIndeterminate
Dad's SunsetRoundIndeterminate
Woodle Orange
Yellow Teardrop
Big Girl
orange jubilee tomato
Yellow JubileeRoundIndeterminate65-80Buy Seeds
Golden Sweet Cherry Tomato
Golden SunrayRoundIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
jaune flamme tomato
persimmon tomato plants
valencia heirloom tomato
carolina gold tomatoes
breakfast sweet
  • Basinga tomatoes are quickly becoming a favorite of many gardeners. They are a pale yellow heirloom tomato variety that has a pretty high yield throughout the season. They start producing fruit mid-season and offer up 4-inch delicious globe tomatoes.
  • Taxi tomatoes – you know the color of NYC taxis? That’s the same color as these tomatoes, and they are much more enjoyable than a cab ride in the city.
  • Lemon Boy is a yellow hybrid variety of globe tomato that is mild, but meaty and a bit sweet. As a hybrid, they are resistant to a lot of issues like verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and gray leaf spot. The plants can get 6-8 feet tall, so be ready with your trellis!

Yellow Plum & Pear Tomatoes

yellow plum tomatoes
CultivarShapeGrowth HabitDays to MaturityWhere to Buy
Abe LincolnGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Ace 55 Determinate75Buy Seeds
Amelia Determinate75
Amish PastePasteIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Anna RussianOxheartIndeterminate65
Arkansas TravelerIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AtlasBeefsteak Determinate65
Aunt Gertie's GoldBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
AzoychkaBeefsteakIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Banana LegsPlum Determinate72Buy Seeds
BasingaGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Better BoyIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Better Bush Determinate68
Big BeefBeefsteakIndeterminate73Buy Seeds
Big BoyBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Big LeagueBeefsteak Determinate47
Big Rainbow BeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Big YellowGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BiltmoreGlobe Determinate80
Black BeautyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Black CherryCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Black from TulaHeirloomIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Black KrimBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Black Sea ManDeterminate75Buy Seeds
Blue Berries CherryIndeterminate74Buy Seeds
Bonny BestGlobeIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Bush BeefsteakBeefsteak Determinate62
Cal AceBeefsteak Determinate75Buy Seeds
Candy's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Caro RichBeefsteak Determinate80Buy Seeds
CelebrityGlobe Determinate70Buy Seeds
Chef's Choice OrangeIndeterminate75
Cherokee PurpleBeefsteakIndeterminate75-80Buy Seeds
Cherry BombCherryIndeterminate64
Cherry GoldCherry45
Chuck's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate77Buy Seeds
Cream SausagePlum Determinate73Buy Seeds
Dark GalaxyIndeterminate75
Defiant PhRGlobe Determinate65
Dr. Wyche's YellowBeefsteakIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple HeartDwarfDeterminate70
Early GirlGlobeIndeterminate51
Egg YolkCherryIndeterminate70Buy Seeds
Evan’s Purple PearPearIndeterminate75
Five Star GrapeGrapeIndeterminate62
GalahadBeefsteak Determinate69
German JohnsonBeefsteakIndeterminate76
Giant OxheartOxheartIndeterminate90
Gold NuggetCherry Determinate54Buy Seeds
Golden RomaRoma75
Golden SweetGrapeIndeterminate60
GrandaddyBeefsteak Determinate72
Grandma Oliver's GreenHeirloomIndeterminate80
Grape TomatoCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Green ZebraSmallIndeterminate78
Hartman's Yellow Gooseberry
Helsing Junction BluesCherryIndeterminate60-65Buy Seeds
HillbillyBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Homestead 24 Determinate75
Independence Day (Fourth of July)SmallIndeterminate49
Indigo AppleIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Indigo RoseCocktailIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Isis CandyCherryIndeterminate65Buy Seeds
Japanense Black TrifeleIndeterminate80
Kellogg's BreakfastBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
Large Barred BoarBeefsteak Determinate65
Legend Determinate68
Lemon BoyGlobeIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
Little Blonde Girl75
Marglobe Determinate75
Marizol PurpleIndeterminate80
Midnight RomaRomaSemi-Determinate80
Midnight SelectIndeterminate72Buy Seeds
Mortgage LifterBeefsteakIndeterminate85
Mr. StripeyBeefsteakIndeterminate80Buy Seeds
New Big DwarfBeefsteak Determinate60
New YorkerBeefsteak Determinate63
Oregon Spring Determinate65
Owen’s PurpleIndeterminate75
Paul RobesonIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
PineappleIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Pink OxheartOxheartIndeterminate85
Pink San MarzanoIndeterminate85
Powers HeirloomPlumIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Pride of FlandersCherryDeterminate70Buy Seeds
Principe BorgheseGrape Determinate75
Purple Bumble BeeCherryIndeterminate68Buy Seeds
Purple CalabashBeefsteakIndeterminate83Buy Seeds
Dwarf Purple ReignBeefsteakIndeterminate75
Purple RussianPlumIndeterminate76Buy Seeds
Rio Grande Determinate80
Roma Determinate75
Rosella PurpleIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Rugged Boy Determinate75
Rutgers (Jersey Tomato)Globe Determinate75
San MarzanoPlumIndeterminate85
San Marzano GigantePlumIndeterminate90
San Marzano LampadinaIndeterminate78
San Marzano Nano Determinate75
San Marzano ScataloneIndeterminate75
Schwarze SarahIndeterminate79Buy Seeds
Southern NightBeefsteakIndeterminate85Buy Seeds
Sugar BombsIndeterminate
Summer PickBeefsteak Determinate75
Sun GoldCherryIndeterminate60Buy Seeds
Sunshine BlueCherryIndeterminate72
Super FantasticIndeterminate70
Super Sweet 100Indeterminate65
Sweet 100CherryIndeterminate70
TalladegaBeefsteak Determinate67
TaxiGlobe Determinate68
Tims Black RufflesIndeterminate78Buy Seeds
Tumbling Tom Red Determinate60
TycoonBeefsteak Determinate80
ValleycatBeefsteak Determinate70
Washington CherryCherry Determinate60
White CherryCherryIndeterminate75
Wine JugPlumIndeterminate78
Yellow BellPlumIndeterminate60
Yellow BrandywineBeefsteakIndeterminate90Buy Seeds
Yellow PearPlum, PearIndeterminate71Buy Seeds
Aunt SophiesOxheartIndeterminate90
Aladdin's LampPearIndeterminate80
Amana OrangeBeefsteak, Flattened GlobeIndeterminate
Barnes MountainBeefsteakIndeterminate
Burning SpearElongated, Plum, PointedIndeterminate
Dad's SunsetRoundIndeterminate
Woodle Orange
Yellow Teardrop
Big Girl
orange jubilee tomato
Yellow JubileeRoundIndeterminate65-80Buy Seeds
Golden Sweet Cherry Tomato
Golden SunrayRoundIndeterminate75Buy Seeds
jaune flamme tomato
persimmon tomato plants
valencia heirloom tomato
carolina gold tomatoes
breakfast sweet
  • Banana legs – this one sounds like a strange insult, but it’s just a delicious tomato! They are a pale yellow great for making sauces or just adding into salads.
  • Powers Heirloom – This is a variety out of Virginia that dates back to over 100 years ago. This tomato plant variety gives pale yellow, juicy tomatoes that are a great paste variety.

How to Use Yellow Tomatoes in the Kitchen

Anything you make with red tomatoes can pretty easily be swapped out with yellow tomatoes.

Yellow Tomato Sauce

You can easily create tomato sauce using yellow tomatoes that would be easier on the stomach and not have you scrambling for the TUMS at 1am 🙂

Pico de Gallo

The delicious Mexican-style salsa can easily be made with yellow tomatoes. It’s even better when you use a mix of red and yellow tomatoes.

Tomato Soup

Grilled cheese and tomato soup is a great option for kids (and me!). If you have some yellow tomatoes ready to harvest in the garden, this can be an easy way to use them! Add a sprig of basil to the soup and you’re golden!

How do Yellow Tomatoes Taste?

Yellow tomatoes are less acidic, milder on the stomach, and often have a creamy texture than their red counterparts. So if you’re someone who struggles with heartburn or acid reflux (me!) then yellow tomatoes are probably the best option for you.

And yes, yellow tomatoes make a GREAT tomato sandwich.



Hi - I'm Chenell! I lived in the city for almost a decade, but after moving to the suburbs in 2020, I decided the logical millennial thing to do was to learn how to grow my own avocado toast. That's what this site is all about. 🥑

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